This week The House Church hosted special guest, Cindy Jacobs. Cindy is a long-time friend of The House, and an important part of our prophetic history. In this sermon, Cindy shares some powerful prophetic words over the state of Minnesota, and how we as a people are called to stir up our spirits for […]

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He Makes All Things New Pastor Doyal VanGelder

 In this week’s sermon, Pastor Doyal speaks on the genealogy of Jesus. He shares that Jesus does not want to just be your savior, but also your king. God brings redemption to all family lines through communion in Him. Jesus doesn’t just forgive sins; He rewrites histories!! Listen to this message and be encouraged! […]

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Layovers are the worst pastor Jamey VanGelder

 In this week’s message, Pastor Jamey speaks on how the solution to the world’s problems has been placed inside of you. He compares life’s in-between moments to a layover in an airport. Sometimes they feel mundane or inconvenient, but that’s when the Lord tends to show up! Problems begin to be solved when we […]

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Stir Up the Voice of Redemption and Prophecy

 Life apart from God can create fear and lack of direction, but when we choose to see things from Heaven’s perspective peace enters and things make sense! In this week’s sermon, Pastor Jamey shares about the great commission, and how God’s kingdom has been increasing since Jesus ascended into heaven. Jesus has invited us […]

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Road to Reality Randall Worley

 This week at The House Church we had the honor of hosting a special guest, Randall Worley. He brings a word about the power of our perspective in our circumstances. Oftentimes when we encounter problematic situations we have the ability to view them through God’s eyes, seeking opportunities for growth. God always knows the […]

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 He is risen indeed! This week Pastor Jamey shared the reality of the Resurrection and what it means to him and what it means for all of us. Because Jesus died for our sins, we get to know that our lives are not over when we pass on. We have a whole cloud of […]

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Bridge Builders Pastor Jamey Vangelder

 We often hear that God is a generational God, but how do we build a bridge from one generation to the next? Practically, what does it look like? This week Pastor Jamey shares the simple wisdom of how to bridge the gap. It looks like connectedness through a relationship. We are all called to […]

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The Inward Work Caleb Byerly

 Guest speaker, Caleb Byerly shares a timely word on embracing the process of refinement. We live in the New Covenant, and God refines those that he loves with kindness and mercy. We can see it as a joy-filled process filled with promise, rather than punishment and struggle. If we pay attention to our words […]

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Testimony is Your Victory Part 3 - Pr. Jamey VanGelder

 In this week’s sermon, Pastor Jamey continues sharing how remembering our testimony creates generational victory in our lives. We are encouraged to slow down and look for where the Lord is moving in our midst. Sometimes we get muddled down with the day-to-day, but God is always at work. It’s up to us to […]

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Testimony is Your Victory Part 2 - Jamey VanGelder

 In this week’s sermon, Pastor Jamey continues sharing how remembering our testimony creates victory in our lives and the lives of those around us. There is gold in every generation that can be inherited if the following generations will humble themselves, and show authentic value and honor for those who have gone before them. […]

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